Puerto Rico Health Services Research Institute

Organization Chart

Puerto Rico Health Services Research Institute (PRHSRI)
Department of Health Services Administration
School of Public Health
Medical Sciences Campus
University of Puerto Rico

Organization Chart

Research Support Unit

The objective of the Research Support Unit is to provide support to the pilot projects included in this proposal. It provides on-site expertise in research design and methodology, and statistical analysis to investigators conducting research within the M-RISP program. In addition, the Unit provides technical support to faculty investigators on matters related to computer systems, management of large and complex databases, and hardware and software applications. The Unit also provides assistance in the acquisition, installation and maintenance of those resources.

Faculty Development Unit

The objective of the Faculty Development Unit is to provide opportunities for career enrichment for young faculty participating in the AHRQ M-RISP Program. The Unit supports the participation of faculty members in training and mentoring activities that will strengthen their research skills. These planned activities are directed toward developing health services researchers with the necessary skills and knowledge on research methods that will allow them to conduct proposed research projects through the Institute.

Advisory Committees

The PRHSRI has two advising bodies: the Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) and the Advisory Board (AB).

Internal Advisory Committee (IAC)

The IAC is composed of two members from the Medical Sciences Campus, Dr. Delia Camacho and Dr. Emma Fernández. They advise the Institute's PI in grant management, administrative issues and compliance with federal grant regulations due to their extensive administrative experience within the university system.

Dr. Delia Camacho is Acting Dean for Academic Affairs and an active investigator of the Women's Health Center.

Dr. Emma Fernández is Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Research Development and Director of Research Center for Minority Institutions (RCMI).

Advisory Board (AB)

The Advisory Board (AB) consists of five members external to the university system. The AB counsels about issues related to the Institute's goals and objectives, strategic planning, quality and performance issues related to research, and budget and resource allocation.

Dr. Lu Ann Aday, a Lorne Bain Distinguished Professor in Public Health and Medicine from the University of Texas School of Public Health, advises the Institute on conceptual and methodological issues in the health services research area.

Dr. Hortensia Amaro, a Distinguished Professor from Northeastern University's Bouvé College of Health Services and Director of the Institute on Health Research, advises the Institute on health services research issues related to Latino children and adolescent populations.

Dr. Aida Maisonet Giachello is an Associate Professor at the Jane Adams College of Social Work, and she is founder and Director of the Midwest Latino Health Research, Training and Policy Center. Dr. Giachello research and policy work centers on issues of access to medical care, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, geriatrics, multicultural issues in health care and women's health and social issues.

Dr. Roberto Varela Flores is the Director of the Maternal and Child Health Division at the Puerto Rico Department of Health, and provides expertise in maternal and child health related issues, which is the common theme among the Institute's initial pilot projects.

Dr. Luz Teresa Amador, Director of the Puerto Rico Commonwealth Patient's Advocate Office, provides input on the implications of research findings for policy making purposes.

This website is supported by the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, Grant No. 1 R24 HS1 4060-02 and by a Research Centers in Minority Institutions Award, G12RR-03051, from the National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health

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